Publikationen von J. Ridl
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Zeitschriftenartikel (11)
652, A12 (2021)
The X-CLASS survey: A catalogue of 1646 X-ray-selected galaxy clusters up to z ∼ 1.5. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2.
617, A92 (2018)
Synthetic simulations of the extragalactic sky seen by eROSITA - I. Pre-launch selection functions from Monte-Carlo simulations. Astronomy & Astrophysics 3.
2018 (1), 034 (2018)
Real space lensing reconstruction using cosmic microwave background polarization. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 4.
233 (2), 25 (2017)
The 13th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: first spectroscopic data from the SDSS-IV Survey Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 5.
606, A118 (2017)
eROSITA cluster cosmology forecasts: Cluster temperature substructure bias. Astronomy & Astrophysics 6.
469 (1), S. 1065 - 1095 (2017)
SPIDERS: selection of spectroscopic targets using AGN candidates detected in all-sky X-ray surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 7.
468 (1), S. 662 - 684 (2017)
Cosmology with XMM galaxy clusters: the X-CLASS/GROND catalogue and photometric redshifts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 8.
338 (2-3), S. 334 - 341 (2017)
The XXL survey: First results and future. Astronomische Nachrichten 9.
597, A15, S. 1 - 7 (2017)
Tracing low-mass galaxy clusters using radio relics: the discovery of Abell 3527-bis. Astronomy & Astrophysics 10.
463 (4), S. 4490 - 4515 (2016)
SPIDERS: the spectroscopic follow-up of X-ray-selected clusters of galaxies in SDSS-IV. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 11.
151 (2), 44, S. 1 - 34 (2016)
The SDSS-IV extended Baryon oscillation spectroscopy survey: overview and early data. The Astronomical Journal