Publikationen von Antonis Georgakakis
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Zeitschriftenartikel (42)
952 (2), 109 (2023)
The Spatial Clustering of ROSAT All-Sky Survey Active Galactic Nuclei. V. The Evolution of Broad-line AGN Clustering Properties in the Last 6 Gyr. The Astrophysical Journal 2.
647, A150 (2021)
The VANDELS ESO public spectroscopic survey: final data release of 2087 spectra and spectroscopic measurements. Astronomy and Astrophysics 3.
484 (3), S. 4360 - 4378 (2019)
X-rays across the galaxy population – III. The incidence of AGN as a function of star formation rate. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 4.
481 (3), S. 3063 - 3069 (2018)
Dependence of clustering of X-ray AGN on obscuration. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 5.
616, A174 (2018)
The VANDELS ESO public spectroscopic survey: observations and first data release. Astronomy & Astrophysics 6.
236 (2), 48 (2018)
X-UDS: The Chandra legacy survey of the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey field. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 7.
613, A51 (2018)
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog: Fourteenth data release. Astronomy & Astrophysics 8.
474 (1), S. 1225 - 1249 (2018)
X-rays across the galaxy population – II. The distribution of AGN accretion rates as a function of stellar mass and redshift. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 9.
471 (2), S. 1976 - 2001 (2017)
Observational constraints on the specific accretion-rate distribution of X-ray-selected AGNs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 10.
846 (2), 112 (2017)
CANDELS: elevated black hole growth in the progenitors of compact quiescent galaxies at z ~ 2. The Astrophysical Journal 11.
469 (3), S. 3232 - 3251 (2017)
X-ray constraints on the fraction of obscured active galactic nuclei at high accretion luminosities. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 12.
469 (1), S. 1065 - 1095 (2017)
SPIDERS: selection of spectroscopic targets using AGN candidates detected in all-sky X-ray surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 13.
465 (3), S. 3390 - 3415 (2017)
X-rays across the galaxy population – I. Tracing the main sequence of star formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 14.
597, A79, S. 1 - 25 (2017)
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog: Twelfth data release. Astronomy & Astrophysics 15.
826 (2), 188, S. 1 - 15 (2016)
Toward an understanding of changing-look quasars: an archival spectroscopic search in SDSS. The Astrophysical Journal 16.
459 (2), S. 1602 - 1625 (2016)
X-ray spectral properties of the AGN sample in the northern XMM-XXL field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 17.
576, A23, S. 1 - 9 (2016)
Comparison of spatial and angular clustering of X-ray AGN. Astronomy & Astrophysics 18.
457 (4), S. 4195 - 4204 (2016)
The clustering amplitude of X-ray-selected AGN at z ∼ 0.8: evidence for a negative dependence on accretion luminosity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 19.
457 (1), S. 110 - 132 (2016)
A spectroscopic survey of X-ray-selected AGNs in the northern XMM-XXL field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 20.
587, A142, S. 1 - 16 (2016)
The 5–10 keV AGN luminosity function at 0.01 < z < 4.0. Astronomy & Astrophysics