Publikationen von Matthias Rosensteiner
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Zeitschriftenartikel (5)
341 (1), S. 10 - 25 (2019)
High‐resolution morphology and surface photometry of KIG 685 and KIG 895 with ARGOS+LUCI using the Large Binocular Telescope. Astronomische Nachrichten 2.
621, A4, S. 1 - 21 (2018)
ARGOS at the LBT - Binocular laser guided ground-layer adaptive optics. Astronomy and Astrophysics 3.
618, A36 (2018)
LBT/ARGOS adaptive optics observations of z ∼ 2 lensed galaxies. Astronomy & Astrophysics 4.
4 (4), 049002, S. 1 - 14 (2018)
Multiconjugate adaptive optics simulator for the Thirty Meter Telescope: design, implementation, and results. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 5.
476 (2), S. 1835 - 1839 (2018)
Resolving the host galaxy of a distant blazar with LBT/LUCI 1 + ARGOS. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Konferenzbeitrag (2)
The MICADO first light imager for the ELT: overview, operation, simulation. In: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII, 107021S, S. 1 - 12 (Hg. Evans, C. J.; Simard, L.; Takami, H.). Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII, Austin, Texas, United States, 10. Juni 2018 - 15. Juni 2018. (2018)
The ARGOS vibration compensation system. In: Proceedings of the AO4ELT5 Conference - Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes, 13. Fifth AO4ELT Conference, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, 25. Juni 2017 - 30. Juni 2017. (2018)