Publikationen von R. Genzel

Konferenzbeitrag (160)

Schartmann, M.; Ballone, A.; Burkert, A.; Gillessen, S.; Genzel, R.; Pfuhl, O.; Eisenhauer, F.; Plewa, P. M.; Ott, T.; George, E. M. et al.; Habibi, M.: 3D AMR simulations of the evolution of the diffuse gas cloud G2 in the Galactic Centre. In: The Multi-Messenger Astrophysics of the Galactic Centre (IAU Symposium 322), S. 241 - 242 (Hg. Crocker, R. M.; Longmore, S. N.; Bicknell, G. V.). 322nd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Queensland, Australia, 18. Juli 2016 - 22. Juli 2016. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2017)
Davies, R.; Schubert, J.; Hartl, M.; Alves, J.; Clénet, Y.; Lang-Bardl, F.; Nicklas, H.; Pott, J.-U.; Ragazzoni, R.; Tolstoy, E. et al.; Agocs, T.; Anwand-Heerwart, H.; Barboza, S.; Baudoz, P.; Bender, R.; Bizenberger, P.; Boccaletti, A.; Boland, W.; Bonifacio, P.; Briegel, F.; Buey, T.; Chapron, F.; Cohen, M.; Czoske, O.; Dreizler, S.; Falomo, R.; Feautrier, P.; Förster Schreiber, N.; Gendron, E.; Genzel, R.; Glück, M.; Gratadour, D.; Greimel, R.; Grupp, F.; Häuser, M.; Haug, M.; Hennawi, J.; Hess, H. J.; Hörmann, V.; Hofferbert, R.; Hopp, U.; Hubert, Z.; Ives, D.; Kausch, W.; Kerber, F.; Kravcar, H.; Kuijken, K.; Lang-Bardl, F.; Leitzinger, M.; Leschinski, K.; Massari, D.; Mei, S.; Merlin, F.; Mohr, L.; Monna, A.; Müller, F.; Navarro, R.; Plattner, M.; Przybilla, N.; Ramlau, R.; Ramsay, S.; Ratzka, T.; Rhode, P.; Richter, J.; Rix, H.-W.; Rodeghiero, G.; Rohloff, R.-R.; Rousset, G.; Ruddenklau, R.; Schaffenroth, V.; Schlichter, J.; Sevin, A.; Stuik, R.; Sturm, E.; Thomas, J.; Tromp, N.; Turatto, M.; Verdoes-Kleijn, G.; Vidal, F.; Wagner, R.; Wegner, M.; Zeilinger, W.; Ziegler, B.; Zins, G.: MICADO: first light imager for the E-ELT. In: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, 99081Z, S. 1 - 12 (Hg. Evans, C. J.; Simard, L.; Takami, H.). Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, Edinburgh, UK, 26. Juni 2016. (2016)
George, E. M.; Gräff, D.; Feuchtgruber, H.; Hartl, M.; Eisenhauer, F.; Buron, A.; Davies, R.; Genzel, R.; Huber, H.; Rau, C. et al.; Plattner, M.; Wiezorrek, E.; Weisz, H.; Amico, P.; Glindemann, A.; Hau, G.; Kuntschner, H.: Making SPIFFI SPIFFIER: upgrade of the SPIFFI instrument for use in ERIS and performance analysis from re-commissioning. In: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, 99080G, S. 1 - 20 (Hg. Evans, C. J.; Simard, L.; Takami, H.). Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, Edinburgh, UK, 26. Juni 2016. (2016)
Lippa, M.; Gillessen, S.; Blind, N.; Kok, Y.; Yazıcı, Ş.; Weber, J.; Pfuhl, O.; Haug, M.; Kellner, S.; Wieprecht, E. et al.; Eisenhauer, F.; Genzel, R.; Hans, O.; Haußmann, F.; Huber, D.; Kratschmann, T.; Ott, T.; Plattner, M.; Rau, C.; Sturm, E.; Waisberg, I.; Wiezorrek, E.; Perrin, G.; Perraut, K.; Brandner, W.; Straubmeier, C.; Amorim, A.: The metrology system of the VLTI instrument GRAVITY. In: Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging V, 990722, S. 1 - 9 (Hg. Malbet, F.; Creech-Eakman, M. J.; Tuthill, P. G.). Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging V, Edinburgh, UK, 26. Juni 2016. (2016)
Freundlich, J.; Combes, F.; Tacconi, L.; Cooper, M.; Genzel, R.; Neri, R.: Resolved star formation relations at high redshift from the IRAM PHIBSS program. In: From Interstellar Clouds to Star-Forming Galaxies: Universal Processes? (IAU Symposium 315), S. 1 - 2 (Hg. Jablonka, P.; André, P.; VanderTak, F.). 315th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Honolulu, USA, 03. August 2015 - 07. August 2015. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2015)
Ballone, A.; Schartmann, M.; Burkert, A.; Gillessen, S.; Genzel, R.; Fritz, T. K.; Eisenhauer, F.; Pfuhl, O.; Ott, T.: Hydrodynamical simulations of a compact source scenario for G2. In: The Galactic Center: Feeding and Feedback in a Normal Galactic Nucleus ( IAU Symposium 303 ), S. 307 - 311 (Hg. Sjouwerman, L. O.; Lang, C. C.; Ott, J.). 303rd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Santa Fee, NM, USA, 30. September 2013 - 04. Oktober 2013. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2014)
Burtscher, L.; Wieprecht, E.; Ott, T.; Kok, Y.; Yazici, S.; Anugu, N.; Dembet, R.; Fedou, P.; Lacour, S.; Ott, J. et al.; Paumard, T.; Lapeyrere, V.; Kervella, P.; Abuter, R.; Pozna, E.; Eisenhauer, F.; Blind, N.; Genzel, R.; Gillessen, S.; Hans, O.; Haug, M.; Haußmann, F.; Kellner, S.; Lippa, M.; Pfuhl, O.; Sturm, E.; Weber, J.; Amorim, A.; Brandner, W.; Rousselet-Perraut, K.; Perrin, G. S.; Straubmeier, C.; Schöller, M.: The GRAVITY instrument software/high-level software. In: Optical and Infrared Interferometry IV, 91462B, S. 1 - 8 (Hg. Rajagopal, J. K.; Creech-Eakman, M. J.; Malbet, F.). Optical and Infrared Interferometry IV, Montreal, Canada, 23. Juni 2014 - 27. Juni 2014. (2014)
Fritz, T. K.; Chatzopoulos, S.; Gerhard, O.; Gillessen, S.; Genzel, R.; Pfuhl, O.; Tacchella, S.; Eisenhauer, F.; Ott, T.: The nuclear cluster of the Milky Way: total mass and luminosity. In: The Galactic Center: Feeding and Feedback in a Normal Galactic Nucleus ( IAU Symposium 303 ), S. 248 - 251 (Hg. Sjouwerman, L. O.; Lang, C. C.; Ott, J.). 303rd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Santa Fee, NM, USA, 30. September 2013 - 04. Oktober 2013. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2014)
Gillessen, S.; Genzel, R.; Fritz, T. K.; Eisenhauer, F.; Pfuhl, O.; Ott, T.; Burkert, A.; Schartmann, M.; Ballone, A.: Observations of the gas cloud G2 in the galactic center. In: The Galactic Center: Feeding and Feedback in a Normal Galactic Nucleus ( IAU Symposium 303 ), S. 254 - 263 (Hg. Sjouwerman, L. O.; Lang, C. C.; Ott, J.). 303rd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Santa Fee, NM, USA, 30. September 2013 - 04. Oktober 2013. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2014)
Kok, Y.; Gillessen, S.; Lacour, S.; Eisenhauer, F.; Blind, N.; Weber, J.; Lippa, M.; Pfuhl, O.; Burtscher, L.; Wieprecht, E. et al.; Ott, T.; Haug, M.; Kellner, S.; Haussmann, F.; Sturm, E.; Janssen, A.; Genzel, R.; Perrin, G.; Perraut, K.; Straubmeier, C.; Brandner, W.; Amorim, A.; Hans, O.: GRAVITY: the impact of non-common optical paths within the metrology system. In: Optical and Infrared Interferometry IV, 914625, S. 1 - 17 (Hg. Rajagopal, J. K.; Creech-Eakman, M. J.; Malbet, F.). Optical and Infrared Interferometry IV, Montreal, Canada, 23. Juni 2014 - 27. Juni 2014. (2014)
Lippa, M.; Blind, N.; Gillessen, S.; Kok, Y.; Weber, J.; Eisenhauer, F.; Pfuhl, O.; Janssen, A.; Haug, M.; Haußmann, F. et al.; Kellner, S.; Hans, O.; Wieprecht, E.; Ott, T.; Burtscher, L.; Genzel, R.; Sturm, E.; Hofmann, R.; Huber, S.; Huber, D.; Senftleben, S.; Pflüger, A.; Greßmann, R.; Perrin, G.; Perraut, K.; Brandner, W.; Straubmeier, C.; Amorim, A.; Schöller, M.: The GRAVITY metrology system: narrow-angle astrometry via phase-shifting interferometry. In: Optical and Infrared Interferometry IV, 914622, S. 1 - 11 (Hg. Rajagopal, J. K.; Creech-Eakman, M. J.; Malbet, F.). Optical and Infrared Interferometry IV, Montreal, Canada, 23. Juni 2014 - 27. Juni 2014. (2014)
Madigan, A.-M.; Pfuhl, O.; Levin, Y.; Gillessen, S.; Genzel, R.; Perets, H. B.: On the origin of young stars at the galactic center. In: The Galactic Center: Feeding and Feedback in a Normal Galactic Nucleus ( IAU Symposium 303 ), S. 238 - 241 (Hg. Sjouwerman, L. O.; Lang, C. C.; Ott, J.). 303rd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Santa Fee, NM, USA, 30. September 2013 - 04. Oktober 2013. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2014)
Ott, T.; Wieprecht, E.; Burtscher, L.; Kok, Y.; Yazici, S.; Anugu, N.; Dembet, R.; Fedou, P.; Lacour, S.; Ott, J. et al.; Eisenhauer, F.; Blind, N.; Genzel, R.; Gillessen, S.; Hans, O.; Haug, M.; Haußmann, F.; Huber, S.; Janssen, A.; Kellner, S.; Lippa, M.; Pfuhl, O.; Sturm, E.; Weber, J.; Amorim, A.; Brandner, W.; Rousselet-Perraut, K.; Perrin, G. S.; Straubmeier, C.; Schöller, M.; Abuter, R.: The GRAVITY instrument software/hardware related aspects. In: Optical and Infrared Interferometry IV, 91462A, S. 1 - 6 (Hg. Rajagopal, J. K.; Creech-Eakman, M. J.; Malbet, F.). Optical and Infrared Interferometry IV, Montreal, Canada, 23. Juni 2014 - 27. Juni 2014. (2014)
Schartmann, M.; Burkert, A.; Ballone, A.; Alig, C.; Gillessen, S.; Genzel, R.; Eisenhauer, F.; Fritz, T.: Hydrodynamical simulations of G2 interpreted as a diffuse gas cloud. In: The Galactic Center: Feeding and Feedback in a Normal Galactic Nucleus ( IAU Symposium 303 ), S. 324 - 326 (Hg. Sjouwerman, L. O.; Lang, C. C.; Ott, J.). 303rd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Santa Fee, NM, USA, 30. September 2013 - 04. Oktober 2013. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2014)
Sharples, R.; Bender, R.; Agudo Berbel, A.; Bennett, R.; Bezawada, N.; Castillo, R.; Cirasuolo, M.; Clark, P.; Davidson, G.; Davies, R. et al.; Davies, R.; Dubbeldam, M.; Fairley, A.; Finger, G.; Förster Schreiber, N.; Genzel, R.; Haefner, R.; Hess, A.; Jung, I.; Lewis, I.; Montgomery, D.; Murray, J.; Muschielok, B.; Pirard, J.; Ramsay, S.; Rees, P.; Richter, J.; Robertson, D.; Robson, I.; Rolt, S.; Saglia, R.; Saviane, I.; Schlichter, J.; Schmidtobreik, L.; Segovia, A.; Smette, A.; Tecza, M.; Todd, S.; Wegner, M.; Wiezorrek, E.: Performance of the K-band multi-object spectrograph (KMOS) on the ESO VLT. In: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V, 91470W, S. 1 - 9 (Hg. Ramsay, S. K.; McLean, I. S.; Takami, H.). Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V, Montreal, Canada, 22. Juni 2014 - 26. Juni 2014. (2014)
Freundlich, J.; Combes, F.; Tacconi, L. J.; Cooper, M. C.; Genzel, R.; Neri, R.; and the PHIBSS consortium: Star formation efficiency at high z and subgalactic scales. In: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy & Astrophysics, S. 343 - 346 (Hg. Cambrésy, L.; Martins, F.; Nuss, E.; Palacios, A.). SF2A-2013: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, Montpellier, France, 04. Juni 2013 - 07. Juni 2013. Société Francaise d'Astronomie & d'Astrophysique (2013)
Gillessen, S.; Eisenhauer, F.; Fritz, T. K.; Pfuhl, O.; Ott, T.; Genzel, R.: The distance to the galactic center. In: Advancing the Physics of Cosmic Distances ( IAU Symposium 289 ), S. 29 - 35 (Hg. De Grijs, R.). 289th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Beijing, China, 27. August 2012 - 31. August 2012. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2013)
Schartmann, M.; Burkert, A.; Alig, C.; Gillessen, S.; Genzel, R.; Eisenhauer, F.; Fritz, T.; Ballone, A.: Simulations of the origin and fate of the Galactic Center cloud G2. In: Nuclei of Seyfert galaxies and QSOs - Central engine & conditions of star formation, PoS(Seyfert 2012)005, S. 1 - 6. Nuclei of Seyfert galaxies and QSOs - Central engine & conditions of star formation , Bonn, Germany, 06. November 2012 - 08. November 2012. (2013)
Buschkamp, P.; Seifert, W.; Polsterer, K.; Hofmann, R.; Gemperlein, H.; Lederer, R.; Lehmitz, M.; Naranjo, V.; Ageorges, N.; Kurk, J. et al.; Eisenhauer, F.; Rabien, S.; Honsberg, M.; Genzel, R.: LUCI in the sky: performance and lessons learned in the first two years of near-infrared multi-object spectroscopy at the LBT. In: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV, 84465L, S. 1 - 11 (Hg. McLean, I. S.; Ramsay, S. K.; Takami, H.). Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 01. Juli 2012 - 06. Juli 2012. (2012)
Sharples, R.; Bender, R.; Agudo Berbel, A.; Bennett, R.; Bezawada, N.; Cirasuolo, M.; Clark, P.; Davidson, G.; Davies, R.; Davies, R. et al.; Dubbeldam, M.; Fairley, A.; Finger, G.; Genzel, R.; Haefner, R.; Hess, A.; Lewis, I.; Montgomery, D.; Murray, J.; Muschielok, B.; Förster-Schreiber, N.; Pirard, J.; Ramsay, S.; Rees, P.; Richter, J.; Robertson, D.; Robson, I.; Rolt, S.; Saglia, R.; Schlichter, J.; Tecza, M.; Todd, S.; Wegner, M.; Wiezorrek, E.: Status of the KMOS multi-object near-infrared integral field spectrograph. In: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV, 84460K, S. 1 - 9 (Hg. McLean, I. S.; Ramsay, S. K.; Takami, H.). Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 01. Juli 2012 - 06. Juli 2012. (2012)
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