Publikationen von R. Bender
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Zeitschriftenartikel (227)
806 (2), 161, S. 1 - 17 (2015)
Microlensing events from the 11 year observations of the Wendelstein Calar Alto Pixellensing Project. The Astrophysical Journal 102.
804 (1), L4 (2015)
First results from the viral survey: the stellar content of UVJ-selected quiescent galaxies at 1.5 < z < 2 from KMOS. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 103.
446 (4), S. 4039 - 4077 (2015)
Composite bulges: the coexistence of classical bulges and discy pseudo-bulges in S0 and spiral galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 104.
799 (2), 209 (2015)
The KMOS3D survey: design, first results, and the evolution of galaxy kinematics from 0.7 ≤ z ≤ 2.7. The Astrophysical Journal 105.
799 (2), 144 (2015)
The M31 near-infrared period-luminosity relation and its non-linearity for δ Cep variables with 0.5 ≤ log (P) ≤ 1.7. The Astrophysical Journal 106.
797 (1), 22 (2014)
Properties of M31. - V. 298 Eclipsing binaries from PAndromeda. The Astrophysical Journal 107.
796 (1), 7 (2014)
Evidence for wide-spread active galactic nucleus-driven outflows in the most massive z ~ 1-2 star-forming galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 108.
796 (1), 60 (2014)
CANDELS/GOODS-S, CDFS, and ECDFS: photometric redshifts for normal and x-ray-detected galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 109.
37 (1-2), S. 213 - 248 (2014)
The 64 Mpixel wide field imager for the Wendelstein 2m telescope: design and calibration. Experimental Astronomy 110.
442 (2), S. 1507 - 1544 (2014)
Weak lensing analysis of SZ-selected clusters of galaxies from the SPT and Planck surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 111.
789 (2), 92 (2014)
Redshift evolution of the dynamical properties of massive galaxies from SDSS-III/BOSS. The Astrophysical Journal 112.
789 (2), L40, S. 1 - 6 (2014)
A consistent study of metallicity evolution at 0.8 < z < 2.6. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 113.
789 (1), 63 (2014)
Dwarf galaxy dark matter density profiles inferred from stellar and gas kinematics. The Astrophysical Journal 114.
441 (3), S. 2212 - 2229 (2014)
Regrowth of stellar discs in mature galaxies: the two-component nature of NGC 7217 revisited with VIRUS-W. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 115.
787 (2), L26, S. 1 - 6 (2014)
Central rotations of Milky Way globular clusters. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 116.
785 (1), 11, S. 1 - 12 (2014)
Properties of M31 - IV. Candidate luminous blue variables from PAndromeda. The Astrophysical Journal 117.
438 (3), S. 2036 - 2064 (2014)
Molecular gas in the centre of nearby galaxies from VLT/SINFONI integral field spectroscopy – II. Kinematics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 118.
782 (1), 39, S. 1 - 8 (2014)
The dynamical fingerprint of core scouring in massive elliptical galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal 119.
781 (1), 112, S. 1 - 13 (2014)
The black hole mass and the stellar ring in NGC 3706. The Astrophysical Journal 120.
146 (6), 160, S. 1 - 18 (2013)
Depleted galaxy cores and dynamical black hole masses. Astronomical Journal